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Woodmore Elementary School Tragedy

In November 2016, Chattanooga suffered one of its greatest losses ever, as Johnthony Walker plummeted into a tree off of Talley Road at an allegedly high rate of speed killing six passengers on board a school bus and injuring several others.

Advice Law Firm and attorney Micah Guster would like to extend our condolences and prayers to the families of Woodmore Elementary School who have suffered such tragedy and loss.  Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.  

The above videos provide description of the legal and preliminary factual situation in Chattanooga as of the time of the shooting of the videos; and the video below encapsulates the preliminary hearing or probable cause portion of the Woodmore case with the bus driver, Johnthony Walker. 

After the preliminary hearing, his case was sent to the Grand Jury, where it will likely end up in Criminal Court. Concurrent with Mr. Walker's criminal case, several lawsuits have been filed in both Tennessee federal and state courts.    


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