New Criminal, Traffic Ticket, and Other Laws Coming into Place for Tennessee in 2017
It's time for Tennessee's latest law update, and among 29 measures set to take effect on New Year's Day 2017, there are a number of other...

.51 Ways On How To Obtain A Child Custody Order As A Married Or Unmarried Father Or Mother In Tennes
In practicing from the Chattanooga, TN area in Hamilton, Bradley, and other Tennessee counties and Catoosa, Walker, and other Georgia...

Sector 3 New Hot Spots for the Police to Target and Stop You
Brainerd Road, Lee Highway, Bonny Oaks: these are the new hot spot areas according to Chattanooga police they are targeting. These areas...

3 things you should do before, during, and after a traffic ticket, and what the police are looking f
As a traffic ticket lawyer practicing in Tennessee and Georgia from Chattanooga, I go to a lot of different courts along I-75 and I-24:...

One Decision That Can Save Your Life in a Child Support Warrant Situation Traffic Stop
Warrants for your arrest. So many times one may or may not know about them. This time someone did, and they ended up dead. Mr. Scott...